Ideas & Opiniones / Global Agro

Chile, new destination for investments in sustainable and regenerative agriculture

Astarte Capital Partners and Toesca invest US$350 million in permanent crops in Chile

Chile, new destination for investments in sustainable and regenerative agriculture
lunes 16 de diciembre de 2024


Chile is consolidating itself as a key destination for investments in sustainable and regenerative agriculture. Astarte Capital Partners, a global firm based in the United Kingdom, has announced its partnership with Toesca, a leading Chilean investment manager, to create an investment platform focused on permanent crops in the country and in the Latin American region. The Toesca Permanent Crops II fund, which will invest US$350 million, will focus on the development of agricultural solutions based on sustainability, with a particular focus on regenerative agriculture.

According to Dr. Stavros Siokos, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Astarte Capital Partners, “Astarte is dedicated to investing in sustainable real assets within the natural capital realm, with a core focus on forestry and agriculture,” highlighting that these sectors are critical to addressing global challenges such as climate change and food security.

Chile, with its economic stability, strong currency, and access to international markets, has proven to be an ideal country for the development of permanent crops, such as avocados, citrus, and hazelnuts. These crops, compared to annual crops, offer greater environmental benefits, such as greater carbon sequestration capacity, lower resource use, and greater resilience to climate change.

The South American country has gained notoriety as a leader in the production and export of agricultural products, especially fruits such as grapes, cherries, apples, and citrus. Chile’s climatic and geographical conditions, coupled with its reputation as a stable market, make it a highly attractive location for international investors.

Astarte and Toesca have so far committed $45 million to this project, and official capital raising will begin in the first quarter of 2025. The fund has already received notable interest from institutional investors in Europe, Australia and Canada, reflecting the growing appeal of sustainable agriculture in the region.

This new boost in agricultural investment puts Chile at the forefront of innovation in the sector, providing a model that combines profitability with sustainability, and consolidating the country as a benchmark in regenerative agriculture in Latin America.

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