Ideas & Opiniones / Global Agro

GoodSAM Foods Promotes Regenerative Agriculture with Direct Trade to Support Small Producers

The US company eliminates intermediaries and supports farmers with fair prices and sustainable practices

GoodSAM Foods Promotes Regenerative Agriculture with Direct Trade to Support Small Producers
jueves 19 de diciembre de 2024


GoodSAM Foods is promoting a direct trade model that connects farmers with consumers, eliminating intermediaries that have historically reduced the profits of small producers. Through this model, the company focuses on products grown under regenerative practices, a type of agriculture that prioritizes sustainability and biodiversity.

Greg Krupa, director of investor relations for the company, explains that the key to the success of farmers who practice regenerative agriculture is vertical integration. "Commodities such as cocoa, nuts and fruits are exported from small producers to other countries for processing, which takes away value from them. We are working to change that," said Krupa, in statements taken from the original article.

GoodSAM Foods Promotes Regenerative Agriculture with Direct Trade to Support Small Producers

The company, which currently sources products such as nuts, coffee, and fruit chips from producers in Latin America and Africa, works closely with farmers’ associations to ensure fair prices. According to Krupa, these prices are typically two to four times higher than those offered in traditional markets with intermediaries.

Unlike fair trade, which faces difficulties in product traceability, GoodSAM’s direct trade model makes it easy to track goods from source to consumer. “A lot of the work is not just partnering with the right organizations, but also the auditing we do on the ground to meet our regeneration standards,” Krupa added.

GoodSAM also distinguishes itself by reinvesting 1% of its sales back into farmers and their communities, as well as providing them with technical support and education on sustainable farming practices. This comprehensive approach helps farmers improve their living conditions while promoting more environmentally friendly food production.

The company has had remarkable success with its model, selling its products at Whole Foods and through e-commerce platforms such as Amazon and Thrive Market. Now, GoodSAM is preparing to expand its presence in large retailers and continue its growth with a new round of financing of $5.5 million.

Through its mission, GoodSAM Foods is demonstrating that it is possible to do business sustainably while supporting farmers and promoting land regeneration.

GoodSAM Foods Promotes Regenerative Agriculture with Direct Trade to Support Small Producers

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