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Breaking: impossible foods wins EU patent dispute over key heme protein patent

Impossible Foods secures major win as EU patent office reaffirms its key patent

Breaking: impossible foods wins EU patent dispute over key heme protein patent
domingo 19 de enero de 2025


In a pivotal ruling, the European Patent Office (EPO) reversed a 2022 decision to revoke a crucial patent held by Impossible Foods, reaffirming the validity of its innovative heme protein technology.

The patent (EP2943072 B1) covers the use of heme proteins, created by a genetically engineered yeast strain, to enhance the flavor and aroma of plant-based meat alternatives. The original revocation, which questioned the novelty of the technology, was overturned this month after a lengthy appeals process, solidifying Impossible Foods’ position in the competitive alt-protein space.

This win follows a significant legal dispute with Motif Foodworks, culminating in a settlement where Impossible Foods acquired Motif's heme-related business, further consolidating its intellectual property portfolio. Will Van Curen, associate general counsel at Impossible Foods, expressed confidence in the company’s legal strategy, stating, "This victory underscores the strength of our global patent portfolio and the validity of our innovations."

Impossible Foods, which already markets its products in various international markets such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and parts of Asia, is working through regulatory approval processes in Europe. While its heme protein is still awaiting approval from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the company has made notable progress, with positive opinions on food additives, flavorings, and GMOs. Despite this, the timeline for the full market entry of Impossible Foods in the EU remains unclear.

The company's plant-based beef products rely heavily on its signature blood-red heme protein, a crucial component in creating a meat-like taste and appearance. While Impossible Foods could potentially sell other products in Europe without this ingredient, the heme protein is vital to the company's core offerings.

As the company continues to expand its presence globally, this legal victory not only strengthens Impossible Foods' patent portfolio but also positions it as a dominant player in the rapidly growing alt-protein market, paving the way for further international expansion.

This decision is a key milestone in Impossible Foods’ ongoing mission to disrupt the global food industry with sustainable and innovative plant-based alternatives.

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