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USDA awards $24M to propagate, Rodale Institute & Others for accessible agroforestry in the Mississippi River Basin

USDA investment in Propagate’s initiative aims to make agroforestry accessible to underserved farmers in the Mississippi River Basin

USDA awards $24M to propagate, Rodale Institute & Others for accessible agroforestry in the Mississippi River Basin
martes 10 de diciembre de 2024


The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has awarded a $24.6 million grant to a coalition of sustainable agriculture organizations to promote agroforestry and reforestation in the Mississippi River Basin. Led by Propagate, the initiative addresses critical conservation challenges, such as water quality degradation and inadequate habitats for fish and wildlife.

Propagate, a leading agroforestry startup, has been at the forefront of making agroforestry accessible for farmers since its founding in 2017. The Overyield IT platform developed by Propagate provides farmers with the tools they need to understand which crops to plant, the associated costs, and how to implement these practices. The project also offers expertise, tree stock, and financing options to help farmers transition their land to agroforestry or reforestation systems.

Joining Propagate in this effort are Virginia Tech, Rodale Institute, Living Carbon, Agroforestry Partners, Williams Forestry, Native Forest Nursery, Hill Farms, and Ohio Land & Cattle. Each organization will play a crucial role in the project’s success:

Virginia Tech will focus on outreach to underserved farmers and provide water quality advisory.
Rodale Institute will conduct outcome monitoring for water, tree, and soil quality.
Living Carbon will handle reforestation planning and outreach to producers.
Agroforestry Partners will provide farm rental advisory and outreach.
Williams Forestry will be responsible for tree planting, protection, and monitoring.
Native Forest Nursery will procure nursery stock.
Hill Farms and Ohio Land & Cattle will engage in farmer-to-farmer outreach and education.
The project’s main goal is to make agroforestry a more practical option for farmers by overcoming barriers such as high initial costs and lack of access to land and expertise. “This USDA award builds on the successful models we’ve put into market that are helping increase adoption rates,” says Ethan Steinberg, Propagate’s cofounder and CEO.

The land-leasing model employed by Propagate allows growers to lease parcels for five years to transition to agroforestry or reforestation systems. After this initial period, they have the option to renew for longer-term leases or participate in carbon-removal programs. This structure not only provides stability but also mitigates the risk for farmers during the transition phase.

“The Mississippi River Basin is a critical conservation area, facing challenges such as nutrient runoff and sedimentation from agricultural activities,” Steinberg explains. “Agroforestry and reforestation can help improve water quality, soil stability, and enhance wildlife habitats — making it a viable and sustainable solution for this region.”

USDA awards $24M to propagate, Rodale Institute & Others for accessible agroforestry in the Mississippi River Basin

By leveraging these partnerships, Propagate aims to make agroforestry accessible across the country. This program represents a significant step forward for the industry, demonstrating the value of collaboration and proactive engagement in overcoming the barriers to agroforestry adoption.

“This initiative is part of our broader strategy to be everywhere, all the time, so that agroforestry becomes a viable option for more farmers,” Steinberg concludes. “It’s about sharing risk and making agroforestry accessible to a wider audience, ensuring the sustainability and resilience of American agriculture.”

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