Ideas & Opiniones / Global Agro

New breakthrough in animal-free mozzarella production: 50% less casein without sacrificing quality

Startup New Culture manages to produce mozzarella with less casein, approaching cost parity with the conventional version

New breakthrough in animal-free mozzarella production: 50% less casein without sacrificing quality
martes 17 de diciembre de 2024


The start-up New Culture, specialized in the production of "animal-free" mozzarella, has achieved a significant breakthrough in its manufacturing process by reducing the amount of casein in its cheese by 50%. This reduction not only improves the sustainability of production, but also brings the company closer to reaching cost parity with conventional mozzarella, which represents a key milestone for the financial viability of the business.

According to Matt Gibson, founder and CEO of New Culture, the new mozzarella formula maintains its fundamental sensory characteristics. "Our sensory analysis and analytical testing show that our animal-free mozzarella rivals dairy mozzarella in 15 key attributes, including melting and elasticity for pizzas, and texture and flavor for salads," Gibson said in statements reported by AgFunderNews. This advance has been possible thanks to the use of microbially derived casein proteins, produced through precision fermentation, which replicate the functions of traditional dairy proteins without the need for animals.

Matt Gibson

The reduction in the amount of casein has not affected the functionality or quality of the cheese, and Gibson explained that this is due to the "superior melting, elasticity and mouthfeel properties" offered by its proteins. The company, which began using the ingredient profile of conventional mozzarella as a reference, has managed to optimize its recipe by experimenting with various proportions, which has allowed it to progressively reduce the amount of casein without sacrificing the essential characteristics of the cheese.

In addition, New Culture is consolidating strategic alliances with biomanufacturing giants such as CJ CheilJedang and ADM, which will allow it to produce mozzarella on a large scale. “Even if we worked with both companies on a massive commercial scale in parallel, we would be profitable and produce millions of pounds of cheese, but we would still be touching only a small part of the $9 billion mozzarella market in the United States,” Gibson added.

Despite the progress, the company still faces challenges in the commercialization process. Although New Culture had anticipated a launch by the end of this year, Gibson mentioned that “launching not just a new product, but a whole new category, is not a linear process” and that obtaining regulatory permits for an unconventional product has complicated the date of release to the market.

New Culture is inserted into a growing market for “animal-free” dairy products, where traditional milk ingredients are sought to be replicated through innovative technologies, eliminating the ethical and environmental impacts of industrial livestock farming. With this breakthrough, the startup could be laying the groundwork for more sustainable and accessible cheese production globally.

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